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Call of The Beloved

Posted by Peruquois on Thursday, October 28, 2010 , under | comments (0)

It is not only we who are searching for bliss, the bliss is searching us too. 
The pining is not in our hearts alone but existence is pining for us too.  
We are not the only ones who are longing for the whole, but the whole is longing for us too. 
When we are crying it is not only us, the whole existence cries with us.
When we rejoice the whole existence celebrates with us. 
When we suffer, the whole existence suffers with us.
When we dance, the whole existence dances with us.
It is not that only our lips are dry but the heart of the whole is thirsty for us to.
 It is not that only your heart sings the melody for the whole, but the whole vibrates with the same tune, the same song. 
It is an eternal call, an eternal longing, an eternal quest. 
It needs a bit of silence to start listening to that call. 
The whole existence is bathed in this song, every little atom vibrates with this divine tune of longing, on every leaf you will find its note, on every breeze you will find it written.
It vibrates everywhere, in everything, in every atom it is singing, in the song of the birds.
Every wave is traveling from the other shore to bring this message to this shore. In silent sound of the falling leaf it vibrates. How can one miss it? It is not a miracle to listen to it; the miracle is that one has missed something that is so obvious. 
It is everywhere.
Vibrating in the nights through sound of crickets, it is covering the day through the whispering of the leaves, the flapping of the bird’s wings. In every silent moment it is resonating, in every scream it is resting silently. Everything is covered by it and it is dressed in everything. It is simply impossible to miss. 
Just a bit of inner silence and one can hear it.
Just one taste of that divine tune, one drop of that intoxicating melody, one moment of that divine longing, one single note of that song and the heart shall never be the same. 
One can never remain the same. 
One cannot return to oneself now. 
So it has been said “blessed are the ones who can hear for they shall be the song itself.  
Blessed, utterly blessed are those beings whose heart resonates with this eternal song, this eternal longing. Blessed are those who hear this call, because as the music enters us deeper and deeper it resonates in our being in every cell and fiber of our being in our every note, in our every tune.
Blessed are those who can hear…….
Blessed are those, for it will go on penetrating us, it will enter our beings so deeply that finally a moment comes when only the call shall remain, only the song the music shall vibrate and we shall vanish, the listener shall vanish . And in such an auspicious moment the miracle happens, the ultimate alchemy, the twain shall meet.
The beloved has arrived home.
Blessed are those who cannot hear, for their hearts shall be the place where the song shall be born…

The Divine Yoni

Posted by Peruquois on Saturday, October 23, 2010 , under | comments (1)

The Divine Yoni

The Yoni is the gateway of the womb which is a seat of absolute divine presence and power.
Mankind’s life has been an eternal search to know the truth, the truth of existence, and all religious practices, methods and meditations are an effort to open the gates of the realization of this truth. It may take practitioner lifetimes to accomplish on his own the same realizations which can be attained with union of a Yoni filled with love and openness towards life.

When a woman’s yoni is truly activated it brings her living man to a heights and depths of consciousness which are difficult to attain even with years of meditative practices. And the only requirement is Love. In order to awaken the divine element within the yoni a woman must first possess a true understanding of the role the feminine plays in creating this universe and nourish its manifestation. There is a dire need for women to truly embody the ultimate potential of their being and dissolve herself into the divine energy of the Goddess.

Unfortunately the woman has just been used as an instrument of sensual entertainment and as an emotional dumping-can by Mankind. Whenever a woman receives a man’s penis in her yoni while he is in negative emotions, the residue of those emotions and thought forms stay in the Yoni of that woman. This creates stagnation and blocks in her serene flow of energies and compromises with her sense of peace and stillness within herself.

The power to create and nourish existence of life is not an easy task, but the very form and heart of woman is built by universe in a way that it can behold that power and this ability in the direst circumstances. But what manifests out of that power is totally dependent upon what state the woman is in. If the woman is in joy, even a hut carries more beauty than a palace, when the woman is in utter distress the very palaces carry the fragrance of ruin. Woman is the ultimate beauty, and she intoxicates the environment around her with it. At the very core of her being resides the environment around her with it. At the very core of her being resides the Source of the universe. Within her she carries the very element which all the religions worships, her essence carries that soothing flame which we worship in every idol in temple, church and mosque.

Women whose heart and Yoni have opened completely have the power to change the face of the Earth. And the first step towards this absolute embodiment is to cleanse the Womb and Yoni from the energetic residue of conditioning and emotions left in it by the outer world and her sexual experiences. A Yoni is regarded as the very source from which the universe emerges; it nurtures existence and dissolves matter and form back into the universal blackness.

It is within the very Triangle of the Yoni in which the divine formative energies of the universe reside.

A man who understands and comes to realize his wholesome understanding of the Yoni’s nature requires no other understanding of any other phenomenon in this universe and every gate of realization is open to him

Every religion and practice strives upon attaining a state where there is light of understanding upon every aspect of existence. That is why they call the ultimate realization as “enlightenment”. But what mankind has forgotten is that the very birth of this universe has taken place from Supreme Darkness. When the Supreme, divine Yoni willed to create, and out of that absolute nothingness, the light of creation manifested. Everything in the manifested universe, even light and matter is a result of this desire to create, this desire to give birth to, and this desire created spasms of vibrations. It throbbed with utter life that emerged and arose from this desire.

These vibrations gave birth to the primal sounds of Universe. The manifested universe is not created with light; in fact the roots of creation abide in these primal sounds that arose out of this primal vibration of manifestation. And these sounds have infinite power to create and manifest and transform something baser like matter and something refined as a consciousness too. These sounds exist in the deepest frequencies of universe and are still available for us to ‘tune-up’ ourselves. The moment we are able to allow our bodies to resonate with these sounds we become one with the very power with which the universe was created, the very frequency of the element from which everything else is born. 

These Sacred sounds are in each of us, it is each and everybody’s born potential to resonate and arise in these sacred sounds, because we are made of that. These sounds i cleanse the garbage accumulated in our mind, body and soul. Every Mantra in every religion utilized one or more of these Sacred Sounds to activate a certain point of consciousness within a being. The very chanting or singing or uttering of these sounds brings us back to the state in which everything is utterly pure and crystal clear. 

How do Sacred Sounds, Chants cleanse the Womb and Yoni?

What is a womb? The womb is the vessel of receptivity. Whatever we sow there grows. It gives a nurturing ground to growth of every thought, matter, emotion that is implanted there. It does not discriminate; it simply provides space and nourishment for growth and preservation. Unfortunately  mankind has totally forgotten the important role the womb plays in shaping this world, and they have distorted women to such an extent that even women no longer have memory of what a divinity they carry within themselves.

As the divine gate of power for the universe, the Yoni is a receptive doorway which contains the thoughts and emotions we put into .It is also the direct opening to earth,receptive to the subtle frequencies of the earth that spin and pulsate giving her a constant sensual relationship to nature. The unfortunate case in today’s world is that women and men alike have lost the understanding of true power, woman’s power. Women have been regarded as a mere instrument and mankind has been feeding the woman’s yoni with mental garbage. And the woman has been giving birth to the same frequency of civilization as a result of it. The luster of her being is covered under the dust of centuries of conditioning and distortion and this has led to a humanity that is dull, filled with diseases of the mind heart and body.

*Peruquois’ invokes each woman to open her voice into the primordial sounds of the universe and the primal sounds of Earth which possess the power to cut through layers and release the negative energy that is held on cellular level as a result of emotional shocks traumas and pains. It transforms and cleanses the yoni and the womb from the wounds it carries. And It also gives voice to the collective pain of woman. It makes a woman reconnect to her divinity and direct knowing of herself as love.

*Peruquois grounds a path to accelerate spiritual growth of an individual.  The innate “Seed-Sounds” or “Sacred Sounds” of the universe and activates the same divine qualities in the women who are singing or chanting them. Instantly she is taken on a journey deep within herself. where the heart and being is still an eternal virgin, uncorrupted, unpolluted and undistorted. And only from such a state of pristine purity something authentically holy can take birth. 

*Peruquois  helps women to consciously dissolve  the destructive qualities like jealousy , anger, hatred, malice, loneliness and helps them regain their ground in the purity of their Yoni which gives birth to great qualities of life like grace, love , compassion, receptivity , wisdom , nourishment , acceptance , strength and creativity.

 *She inspires women to give voice to their deepest essence in every aspect of life whether it is in the bedroom, home,  office or environment. To live in constant communion with the source through her own body and being.